\name{makeSrcInfo} \alias{makeSrcInfo} \alias{getAllSrc} \title{Functions to make source information available for later use} \description{ These functions read from a text file (AnnInfo) that have been stored in the data directory and create an environment object called AnnInfo that will be available for later access } \usage{ makeSrcInfo(srcFile = "") getAllSrc() } \arguments{ \item{srcFile}{\code{srcFile} a character string for the name of the source file that contains source data information} } \details{ The environment object created (AnnInfo) is a list with four elements: \item{short}{a character string for the description that will be used to describe an annotation element in an XML file to be generated} \item{long}{a character string that will be used to describe an annotation element in the help file for a given data environment that will be contained in a data package to be created} \item{src}{a character string for the short hand name of the source (e.g. ll for LocusLink)} \item{pbased}{a boolean that is TRUE if the annotation element is for a probe or FALSE otherwise} } \value{ \code{\link{getAllSrc}} return a vector of character string for short hand names of data sources } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{ABPkgBuilder}}, \code{\link{GOPkgBuilder}}, \code{\link{KEGGPkgBuilder}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ makeSrcInfo() ls(AnnInfo) } } \keyword{file}