\name{getYeastData} \alias{getYeastData} \alias{readBadData} \alias{findNumCol} \title{Functions to get/process yeast genome data} \description{ These functions extract data from the yeast genome web site based on a set of arguments. } \usage{ getYeastData(url, extenName, cols2Keep, sep) readBadData(url, sep) findNumCol(fewLines, sep) } \arguments{ \item{url}{\code{url} a character string for the url where yeast data are stored} \item{extenName}{\code{extenName} a character string for the name of the data file of interest. The name can be a file name or with subdirectory names under "url"} \item{cols2Keep}{\code{cols2Keep} a vector of index for the columns to be extracted from the data file} \item{sep}{\code{sep} a character string for the separater used to separate data columns in the data file} \item{fewLines}{\code{fewLines} a set of character strings separated by a new line that is going to be used to determine how many data columns each line has} } \details{ The yeast genome web site has files stored in or in subdirectories of \url{ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/data_download/} that can be downloaded. \code{\link{getYeastData}} extracts data from a given file. The functions are used by an object of \code{\link{YG-class}} to extract data. Some of the data in the web site may not be well fomatted (e.g. with missing columns). \code{\link{readBadData}} deals with these type of data files. \code{\link{findNumCol}} figures out how many data columns a file contains based on a few entries from that file. } \value{ \code{\link{getYeastData}} returns a matrix containing data. \code{\link{readBadData}} returns a matrix. \code{\link{findNumCol}} returns an integer. } \references{\url{ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/data_download/}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{YG-class}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ # Url may change but was correct at the time of coding url <- "ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/data_download/" temp <- getYeastData(url, "chromosomal_feature/SGD_features.tab", cols2Keep = c(6, 1), sep = "\t") } } \keyword{manip}