\name{getUGShortName} \alias{getUGShortName} \alias{UGSciNames} \alias{getShortSciName} \title{Functions that produce short versions of organism names used by UniGene or for other purposes} \description{ From a two-word scientific name of an organism, the functions construct a short string used by UniGene or others to represent the organism. } \usage{ getUGShortName(sciName) UGSciNames() getShortSciName(sciName) } \arguments{ \item{sciName}{\code{sciName} a character string for the scientific name of an organism} } \details{ Given a two-word scientifc name for a given organism, \code{\link{getUGShortName}} figures out the short version used by UniGene as part of the name for the file containing data for the organism. \code{\link{getShortSciName}} takes a two-word scientific name of an organism and returns a three-letter string begining with the first letter of the genus name followed by the first two letters of the species name. } \value{ \code{\link{getUGShortName}} returns a short version of organism name used by UniGene. } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{ABPkgBuilder}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ getUGShortName("Homo sapiens") getShortSciName("Homo sapiens") } } \keyword{misc}