\name{getSrcUrl} \alias{getSrcUrl} \alias{getAllUrl} \alias{getLLUrl} \alias{getUGUrl} \alias{getUCSCUrl} \alias{getGOUrl} \alias{getKEGGUrl} \alias{readURL} \alias{getGEOUrl} \alias{getYGUrl} \alias{getHGUrl} \alias{getRefSeqUrl} \alias{getEGUrl} \title{Functions that find the correct url for downloading annotation data} \description{ Given a source data name and organism name, the url from which the source annotation data can be downloaded will be returned. } \usage{ getSrcUrl(src, organism = "Homo sapiens", xml = TRUE, dateOnly = FALSE) getAllUrl(organism) getLLUrl() getUCSCUrl(organism, downloadSite) getUGUrl(organism) getGOUrl(xml = TRUE, dateOnly = FALSE) getKEGGUrl() readURL(url) getGEOUrl() getYGUrl() getHGUrl() getRefSeqUrl(organism) getEGUrl() } \arguments{ \item{src}{A character string for the name of the data source. See details for valid names} \item{organism}{A character string for the name of the organism of interests} \item{url}{A character string for the url where the source data can be downloaded} \item{dateOnly}{A boolean that is set to TRUE if only the built date of the data souce will be returned or TRUE if the source url will be returned} \item{xml}{A boolean indicating whether the XML format data file will be downloaded/processed} \item{downloadSite}{\code{downLoadSite} a character string for the url to the general downloading site for the human, mouse, and rat data} } \details{ \code{getAllUrl} finds the urls for all the data source including LocusLink, UinGene, the Human Geneome Project, Gene Ontology, and KEGG. \code{getLLUrl} finds the url fro LocusLink. \code{getUCSCUrl} finds the url for the Human Genome Project. \code{getUGUrl} finds the url for UniGene. \code{getGOUrl} finds the url for Gene Ontology. \code{getKEGGUrl} finds the url for KEGG. \code{getGEOUrl} finds the url for GOE (the CGI script) \code{getYGUrl} gets the url to the ftp site where Yeast Genome data can be downloaded. Valid data source names include LL - LocusLink, UG - UniGene, UCSC - the Human Genome Project, GO - Gene Ontology, KEGG - KEGG, and YG - Yeast Genome. Valid organism name include human, mouse, rat, and yeast at this time. } \value{ \code{getAllUrl} returns a vector of character strings and all the others return a character string for the url } \references{\url{"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/LocusLink/statistics.html"}, \url{"ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/repository/UniGene"}, \url{"http://www.godatabase.org/dev/database/archive/latest"}, \url{"http://www.genome.ad.jp/kegg/kegg2.html"}, \url{ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/refseq/LocusLink/}, \url{http://www.yeastgenome.org}} \author{Jianhau Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{getSrcBuilt}}} \keyword{datasets}