\name{getPubDataGo} \alias{getPubDataHomoloGene} \alias{getPubDataLocusLink} \alias{getPubDataUniGene} \alias{getPubDataEntrezGene} \alias{getPubDataGoldenPath} \alias{getPubDataGo} \alias{getPubDataYeastGenome} \alias{getPubDataKegg} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Functions to download public domain annotation data sources} \description{ These functions are intended to help create a local mirror of public domain annotation data sources. They all depend on having wget available. } \usage{ getPubDataHomoloGene(baseUrl, passive) getPubDataLocusLink(baseUrl, passive) getPubDataUniGene(baseUrl, passive) getPubDataEntrezGene(baseUrl, passive) getPubDataGoldenPath(baseUrl, passive) getPubDataGo(baseUrl, passive) getPubDataYeastGenome(baseUrl, passive) getPubDataKegg(baseUrl, passive) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{baseUrl}{The URL. Note that for some sources this is a directory and for others it fully specifies a file we want to have available.} \item{passive}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, pass the \code{-passive-ftp} flag to \code{wget}} } \author{Seth Falcon } \keyword{data}