\name{downloadSourceData} \alias{downloadSourceData} \title{Create a local mirror of annotation data sources} \description{ Uses wget to mirror relevant portions of publicly available annotation data sources. The goal is to create a local mirror that can be served on your LAN to reduce network load when building multiple annotation data packaages. } \usage{ downloadSourceData(passive=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{passive}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, pass the \code{-passive-ftp} flag to \code{wget}} } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \details{ The data files will be downloaded to the current working directory. The KEGG pathway data is a special case. We download the current tarball of the pathway data, but it needs to be unpacked in \code{kegg/pathways}. On unix-like systems, the KEGG data will be unpacked automagically. } \author{S. Falcon} \keyword{data}