\name{cleanSrcObjs} \alias{cleanSrcObjs} \alias{getRepSourceNBuilt} \alias{mapGO2Probe} \alias{writeReverseMap} \alias{writeAnnData2Pkg} \alias{getAnnData} \alias{getUniMappings} \alias{getBaseFile} \alias{getSrcObjs} \alias{mapll2PathID} \alias{mapLLNGB} \alias{getLLNGBMap} \alias{getRepList4Perl} \alias{mapUGNGB} \alias{getTaxid} \title{Supporting function that may no of any other usese} \description{ Functions in this group are mainly for supporting purposes and may not be of any use outside the package they reside } \usage{ getRepSourceNBuilt(name, object) mapGO2Probe(eg, baseMapType) writeReverseMap(annData, pkgName, pkgPath) writeAnnData2Pkg(annData, pkgName, pkgPath) getAnnData(srcObjs) getUniMappings(baseName, eg, ug, otherSrc, baseMapType) getBaseFile(baseName) getSrcObjs(srcUrls, baseName, organism, baseMapType = c("gb", "ug", "ll", "image", "refseq", "gbNRef"), fromWeb = TRUE) cleanSrcObjs(srcObjs) mapll2PathID(srcUrl, organism, exten = "gene_map.tab") mapLLNGB(organism, pkgName, pkgPath, ugUrl = getSrcUrl("ug", organism), egUrl = paste(getSrcUrl("eg"), "gene2accession.gz"), fromWeb = TRUE) getLLNGBMap(repList, what = "ll2gb") mapUGNGB(organism, pkgName, pkgPath, ugUrl = getSrcUrl("ug", organism), llUrl = getSrcUrl("ll"), fromWeb = TRUE) getRepList4Perl(organism, ugUrl = getSrcUrl("ug", organism), llUrl = getSrcUrl("ll"), fromWeb = TRUE) getTaxid(organism) } \arguments{ \item{ugUrl}{\code{ugUrl} a character string for the url to the ftp site of UniGene} \item{llUrl}{\code{llUrl} a character string for the url to the ftp site of LocusLink} \item{egUrl}{\code{egUrl} a character string for the url to the ftp site of Entrez Gene} \item{repList}{\code{repList} a list with values to be used to replace contents in template files} \item{name}{\code{name} a character string for the name a data source to be used to build a data package} \item{object}{\code{object} an object that is a subclass of pubRepo} \item{ll}{\code{ll} an object of class LL} \item{ug}{\code{ug} an object of class ug} \item{baseMapType}{\code{baseMapType} a character string for the type of base map (e. g. gb, ug, ll, ...)} \item{annData}{\code{annData} a matrix derived from source data} \item{pkgName}{\code{pkgName} a character string for the name of the data package to be built} \item{pkgPath}{\code{pkgPath} a character string for the path where a new package will be built} \item{srcObjs}{\code{srcObjs} a list containing objects of class UG, LL, GO and so on} \item{baseName}{\code{baseName} a character string for the nam of a base file to be used to build a data package} \item{otherSrc}{\code{otherSrc} a named vector for files contianing mappings between probe ids and LocusLink ids obtained by other sources} \item{srcUrls}{\code{srcUrls} a named vector for the urls to the source data to be used to build data packages} \item{srcUrl}{\code{srcUrl} a url for a source data file to be used} \item{fromWeb}{\code{fromWeb} a boolean indicating whether a source url is a real url or just the path to a locally stored file} \item{organism}{\code{organism} a character string for the name of the organism of concern} \item{exten}{\code{exten} a character string for the extension to be appended to the end of a given url to make the url complete} \item{what}{\code{what} a character string that can either be ll2gb or gb2ll} \item{eg}{\code{eg} an EG object} } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \keyword{misc}