\name{MeSHParser} \alias{MeSHParser} \alias{setVars} \title{Function to parse the XML data file form MeSH } \description{ Given the name of a local version of the XML file from MeSH, this function parses the file and returns a list of environment objects containing the subtracted data. } \usage{ MeSHParser(mesh) setVars() } \arguments{ \item{mesh}{\code{mesh} a character string for the name of a local version of the XML data file avaiable for downloading from MeSH} } \details{ Due to security reasons at the servers end, the source XML file has to be downloaded from MeSH and stored locally. MeSHParser reads the file to subtract data. } \value{ This function returns a list of environment objects. \item{treenum}{a vector that contains mappings between Descriptor unique ids and their corresponding tree number assigned by MeSH} \item{scopenote}{a vector that contains mappings between Descriptor unique ids and their corresponding notes provided by MeSH} \item{qualifier}{a vector contains mappings between Descriptor and corresponding qualifier headings} \item{concept}{a vector contains mappings between the headings of Descriptor and corresponding Concepts belonging to the Descriptor} \item{term}{a vector contains mappings between the headings of Concepts and the corresponding Terms belonging to the Concepts} \item{heading}{a vector contains mappings between the unique MeSH ids and their corresponding headings} } \references{http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \keyword{manip}