\name{GOXMLParser} \alias{GOXMLParser} \title{Parse the Gene Ontology OBO XML data file} \description{ Generate R \code{environment} objects containing data parsed from the Gene Ontology (GO) XML data file. The GO data file is available from \url{http://www.geneontology.org}. This parser is designed to parse the \code{go_YYYYMM-termdb.obo-xml} file. } \usage{ GOXMLParser(fileName) } \arguments{ \item{fileName}{Name of the XML file containing the GO source data in obo-xml format.} } \value{ A list of \code{environment} objects representing the GO data structures. The environments returned are: \item{TERM}{See GOTERM environment in the GO package} \item{BPPARENTS}{See the GOBPPARENTS environment in the GO data packagey} \item{MFPARENTS}{See the GOMFPARENTS environment in the GO data package} \item{CCPARENTS}{See the GOCCPARENTS environment in the GO data package} \item{BPCHILDREN}{See the GOBPCHILDREN environment in the GO data package} \item{MFCHILDREN}{See the GOMFCHILDREN environment in the GO data package} \item{CCCHILDREN}{See the GOCCCHILDREN environment in the GO data package} \item{OBSOLETE}{See the GOOBSOLETE environment in the GO data package} \item{BPOFFSPRING}{See the GOBPOFFSPRING environment in the GO data package} \item{MFOFFSPRING}{See the GOMFOFFSPRING environment in the GO data package} \item{CCOFFSPRING}{See the GOCCOFFSPRING environment in the GO data package} \item{BPANCESTOR}{See the GOBPANCESTOR environment in the GO data package} \item{MFANCESTOR}{See the GOMFANCESTOR environment in the GO data package} \item{CCANCESTOR}{See the GOCCANCESTOR environment in the GO data package} } \author{Chenwei Lin, John Zhang, Seth Falcon} \keyword{manip}