\name{GOPkgBuilder} \alias{GOPkgBuilder} \alias{writeDocs} \alias{copyTemplates} \alias{getRepList} \title{Functions to build a data package using GO data} \description{ WARNING: DO NOT use this function. Use Bioconductor packages such as biomaRt to obtain GO mappings more recent than those available in the current Bioconductor release. \url{http://www.bioconductor.org/} These functions creates data, documentation, and other supporting files that consist an annotation data package using data from GO. } \usage{ GOPkgBuilder(pkgName, pkgPath, filename, version, author, lazyLoad=TRUE) writeDocs(baseName, pkgName, pkgPath, version, author, repList, pattern, isFile = TRUE) copyTemplates(repList, pattern, pkgName, pkgPath, replaceBy = NULL) getRepList(what, srcObjs) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{pkgName}{\code{pkgName} a character string for the name of the data package to be built} \item{pkgPath}{Describe \code{pkgPath} a character string for the path to which the data package to be built will be stored} \item{filename}{Name of the GO file to parse. This file should be from the GO website in OBO XML format.} \item{version}{\code{version} a character string for the version number of the data package} \item{author}{\code{author} a named vector of character string with a name element for the name of the author and address element for the email address of the author} \item{repList}{\code{repList} a list with LLSOURCE, GOSOURCE, LLBUILT, GOBUILT, and DATE elements containing source url or built date information that will be used to replace corresponding texts in man page templates stored in the templates subdirectory} \item{pattern}{\code{pattern} a character string that will be used as a pattern to copy man page templates files in the "templates" subdirectory to the "man" subdirectory of a newly created data package using the function copySubstitute of Biobase} \item{replaceBy}{\code{replaceBy} a character string specifying the text used to replace the pattern contained by the name of a template man page files when writing to a newly created data package} \item{what}{\code{what} a character string for the name of the data package to be created for which a replacement list will be generated} \item{baseName}{\code{baseName} a character string for the name of the base file based on which a data package was built. "" if there is none} \item{srcObjs}{\code{srcObjs} a list containing source data objects that are sub classes of pubRepo} \item{isFile}{\code{isFile} a boolean indicating whether \code{baseName} is a file or an R object} \item{lazyLoad}{\code{lazyLoad} a boolean indicating whether a lazy load database will be created} } \details{ This package relies on the xml data file from \url{http://www.godatabase.org/dev/database/archive/2003-04-01/go_200304-termdb.xml.gz} to obtain the data. The url changes when data are updated. The system has built in code to figure out where the latest data are and use that data to build the data package. } \value{ This function does not return any value } \references{\url{http://www.godatabase.org}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{ABPkgBuilder}}, \code{\link{KEGGPkgBuilder}}} \examples{ if(interactive()){ GOPkgBuilder(pkgName = "GO", pkgPath = tempdir(), version = "1.2.1", goUrl = "http://www.bioconductor.org/datafiles/wwwsources/Tgo.xml", author = c(author = "who", maintainer = "who@email.com")) list.files(file.path(tempdir(), "GO")) unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "GO"), TRUE) } } \keyword{manip}