\name{boxplotNegCtrl} \alias{boxplotNegCtrl} \title{ Boxplot of Signals and Negative Controls } \description{ For each array, it shows the boxplot for the genes (red) and negative controls (green) } \usage{ boxplotNegCtrl(RGlist, Log2, channel) } \arguments{ \item{RGlist}{An RGlist object } \item{Log2}{logical, if \code{TRUE} it assumes that the data are in log2 scale} \item{channel}{if 'channel=R', then uses the data stored in dd$R, if channel is missing or 'channel =G' then the data stored in dd$G is used} } \details{ It allows the comparison of the gene signals with the signals of the negative controls. } \author{Pedro Lopez-Romero } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(dd) boxplotNegCtrl(dd,Log2=FALSE,channel="G") } } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}