\name{import.data} \alias{import.data} \title{Importing Affy Cel File} \description{ This function imports cel files and create an 'AffyBatch' based on the imported cel } \usage{ import.data(phenotype.file, path=getwd(), ...) } \arguments{ \item{phenotype.file}{the name of the phenotype file - text file} \item{path}{the name of the directory storing phenotype.file and the cel files, the default value is the current working directory} \item{...}{Refers to "read.AnnotatedDataFrame" (Biobase)} } \value{ an 'AffyBatch' } \author{Xiwei Wu \email{xwu@coh.org}, Xuejun Arthur Li \email{xueli@coh.org}} \examples{ \dontrun{ datadir <- system.file("extdata", package = "estrogen") raw <- import.data("phenodata.txt", path=datadir, header=TRUE, sep="", row.names="filename") } } \keyword{methods}