\name{write.sgr} \alias{write.sgr} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Write Affy IGB .sgr format files} \description{ The affy Integrated Genome Browser (IGB) is a powerful, fast browser for genomic data. The file format is simple (three columns: chromosome, location, and score) to generate. This function will write the sgr files associated with a aGFFcalc object. There will be either one or two files (default two) representing the raw data and the calculated data (which is output as -log10(val) for visualization purposes). } \usage{ write.sgr(agff, raw = TRUE, vals = TRUE, directory = ".") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{agff}{An aGFFCalc object obtained after running do.aGFF.calc} \item{raw}{Create a file for the raw data?} \item{vals}{Create a file for the calculated p-values?} \item{directory}{Give a directory for storing the files} } \author{Sean Davis} \examples{ data(example.agff) write.sgr(example.agff) } \keyword{IO}