\name{doPlotEset} \alias{doPlotEset} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Produce a number of QA plot plus t and ANOVA test } \description{ Produce boxplot, MA plot, scatter plot, correlation, S/N detection concordance, CV, and t test, ANOVA test if subgroup is more than 2 } \usage{ doPlotEset(eset, group, name = "", snThresh = 3, test = TRUE, \dots) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{eset}{an \code{ExpressionSet} object} \item{group}{name of the group from experiment design file} \item{name}{a name for use in output files for record purpose} \item{snThresh}{threshold of S/N considered detectable, default = 3} \item{test}{whether t or ANOVA test should be performed} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments, currently not implemented} } \details{ The t test and fold change is performed with function \code{fctPlot}. See additional information with \code{fctPlot}. ANOVA is performed with \code{doANOVA}. If there are more than 2 subgroup in \code{group}, t test and fold change will be performed for each pair of subgroup and one way ANOVA will be performed. If subgroup is 2, ANOVA will not be performed. } \value{ None. A number of plots and t or ANOVA test result file will be produced. } \author{Y Andrew Sun} \examples{ #-doPlotEset(eset, "sampleGroup") #-doPlotEset(eset, "sampleGroup", name = "perfect") #-doPlotEset(eset, "sampleGroup", test = FALSE) ##- t test will be not performed } \keyword{manip}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{hplot}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS