CHANGES IN VERSION 1.21.1 ------------------------- 1.add modified lattice theme to flowViz and change the default color scheme for non-smoothed xyplot 2.add stat=TRUE to display population % in xyplot and add abs=FALSE and pos=0.5 to control the position of gate labels 3.made change to prepanel.xyplot.flowset so that it return an empty list instead of NULL value for empty panels.This was causing the error thrown by lattice:::limits.and.aspect which calculates the scales for each panel and expects non-null return value from prepanel function 4.remove the old src and R code for hexbin and add hexbin package based hexagon plot support within panel.xyplot.flowframe 5.add binTrans argument to xyplot that gets passed to hexin to transform the raw counts. sqrt is the default,NULL value means no transformation. 6.add new classes "filters", "filtersList" to allow flowViz to plot multiple filters/gates for one flowFrame