CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.2 ------------------------ - DESeq2 was implemented in TCC for identifying DEGs. - EBSeq was removed from TCC. - arguments of 'WAD' function were changed. - fixed bug in '.testByDeseq' that missing to treat size factors. - the strategies for DE analysis of paired two-group dataset were implemented. - add the section for describing DE analysis of paired two-group dataset into vignette. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.0 ------------------------ - this package was released as a Bioconductor package (previously CRAN). - WAD method for identifying DEGs was added. - ROKU method for identifying tissue-specific genes was added. - 'increment' argument of 'calcNormFactor' function was added. - 'replicates' field of TCC class was deleted. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.3 ------------------------ - 'generateSimulationData' function was renamed to 'simulateReadCount'. - 'names' field of TCC class was changed to 'gene_id'. - 'hypoData' was reduced to a smaller data set. - 'hypoData_mg' was created. This is the simulation dataset which consists of 1,000 genes and 9 samples. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ - 'TCC' class was implemented as a R5 reference class. Wrapper functions with functional programming semantics were proviede.