Windows users ============= You need libxml2 and boost c++ library to build flowWorkspace from source (using Rtools). To install libxml2: 1. Download the pre-built binary from 2. unzip it (e.g. to c:\libxml2) and you should see the directory structure like below in both i386 and x64 folder |-include |---libxml2 |-----libxml (all *.h are here) |-lib (we should have static libary libxml2.a here) 3. set up the environment variable LIB_XML2 in order for flowWorkspace to find its library files and header files. You can do this by: * right click "Computer" and select "Properties" * click "Advanced system settings" and select "Advanced" tab * click the "Environment Variables" button and bring up the dialog box * click the "New" button and enter "LIB_XML2" in the "Variable name" field, and /path/to/your/libxml2 (e.g. c:/libxml2) in the "Variable value" field. Remember to use "/" instead of "\" as the directory delimiter. Here is the instruction for the building boost on windows from source: 1. download boost 1.52 from and unzip it (e.g. to c:\boost_1_52_0) 2. build bjam from source cd c:\boost_1_52_0\tools\build\v2\engine build.bat mingw 3. copy bjam to the root dir of boost (i.e. c:\boost_1_52_0) cp bin.ntx86\bjam.exe ..\..\..\.. cd ..\..\..\.. 4. build library from source using bjam (here we only need to build serialization as static library) for 64bit library: bjam.exe --prefix=E:\boost\x64 toolset=gcc address-model=64 variant=release link=static install --with-serialization for 32bit library: bjam.exe --prefix=E:\boost\i386 toolset=gcc address-model=32 variant=release link=static install --with-serialization 5. re-organize the header folders cd e:\boost\i386\include\ mv boost_1_52\boost . cd e:\boost\x64\include\ mv boost_1_52\boost . Alternatively, pre-built boost binary can be downloaded from Similarly, once boost is built, you also need to set up the environment variable LIB_BOOST in order for flowWorkspace to find the library files and header files. You can download Rtools at which provides the resources for building R and R packages. You should add to the Path variable the paths to the various components of Rtools. Please read the "Windows Toolset" appendix at for more details.