%\VignetteIndexEntry{motifStack Vignette} %\VignetteDepends{motifStack} %\VignetteKeywords{sequence logo} %\VignettePackage{motifStack} \documentclass[12pt]{article} <>= BiocStyle::latex() @ \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{url} \usepackage[numbers]{natbib} \usepackage{graphicx} \bibliographystyle{plainnat} \author{Jianhong Ou, Lihua Julie Zhu} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} \title{motifStack guide} \maketitle \tableofcontents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Introduction} A sequence logo, based on information theory, has been widely used as a graphical representation of sequence conservation (aka motif) in multiple amino acid or nucleic acid sequences. Sequence motif represents conserved characteristics such as DNA binding sites, where transcription factors bind, and catalytic sites in enzymes. Although many tools, such as seqlogo\cite{Oliver}, have been developed to create sequence motif and to represent it as individual sequence logo, software tools for depicting the relationship among multiple sequence motifs are still lacking. We developed a flexible and powerful open-source R/Bioconductor package, motifStack, for visualization of the alignment of multiple sequence motifs. \section{Prepare environment} You will need ghostscript: the full path to the executable can be set by the environment variable R\_GSCMD. If this is unset, a GhostScript executable will be searched by name on your path. For example, on a Unix, linux or Mac "gs" is used for searching, and on Windows the setting of the environment variable GSC is used, otherwise commands "gswi64c.exe" then "gswin32c.exe" are tried. Example on Windows: assume that the gswin32c.exe is installed at C:\textbackslash Program Files\textbackslash gs\textbackslash gs9.06\textbackslash bin, then open R and try: \begin{Schunk} \begin{Sinput} > Sys.setenv(R_GSCMD="\"C:\\Program Files\\gs\\gs9.06\\bin\\gswin32c.exe\"") \end{Sinput} \end{Schunk} \section{Examples of using motifStack} \subsection{plot a DNA sequence logo with different fonts and colors} Users can select different fonts and colors to draw the sequence logo (Figure \ref{motifStack-DNAseqLogo}). <>= library(motifStack) pcm <- read.table(file.path(find.package("motifStack"), "extdata", "bin_SOLEXA.pcm")) pcm <- pcm[,3:ncol(pcm)] rownames(pcm) <- c("A","C","G","T") motif <- new("pcm", mat=as.matrix(pcm), name="bin_SOLEXA") ##pfm object #motif <- pcm2pfm(pcm) #motif <- new("pfm", mat=motif, name="bin_SOLEXA") opar<-par(mfrow=c(3,1)) plot(motif) #try a different font plot(motif, font="mono,Courier") #try a different font and a different color group motif@color <- colorset(colorScheme='basepairing') plot(motif,font="Times") par(opar) @ \incfig{motifStack-DNAseqLogo}{0.6\textwidth}{DNA sequence logo.} {Plot a DNA sequence logo with different fonts and colors.} \subsection{plot an amino acid sequence logo} Given that motifStack allows to use any letters as symbols, it can also be used to draw amino acid sequence logos (Figure \ref{motifStack-AAseqLogo}). <>= library(motifStack) protein<-read.table(file.path(find.package("motifStack"),"extdata","cap.txt")) protein<-t(protein[,1:20]) motif<-pcm2pfm(protein) motif<-new("pfm", mat=motif, name="CAP", color=colorset(alphabet="AA",colorScheme="chemistry")) plot(motif) @ \incfig{motifStack-AAseqLogo}{0.8\textwidth}{Amino acid sequence logo.} {Plot an sequence logo with any symbols as you want such as amino acid sequence logo} \subsection{plot sequence logo stack} motifStack is designed to show multiple motifs in same canvas. To show the sequence logo stack, the distance of motifs need to be calculated first for example by using MotIV\cite{Eloi2010}::motifDistances, which implemented STAMP\cite{Mahony2007}. After alignment, users can use plotMotifLogoStack function to draw sequence logos stack (Figure \ref{motifStack-logostack}) or use plotMotifLogoStackWithTree function to show the distance tree with the sequence logos stack (Figure \ref{motifStack-treestack}) or use plotMotifStackWithRadialPhylog function to plot sequence logo stack in radial style (Figure \ref{motifStack-radialstack}) in the same canvas. There is a shortcut function named as motifStack. Use stack layout to call plotMotifLogoStack, treeview layout to call plotMotifLogoStackWithTree and radialPhylog to call plotMotifStackWithRadialPhylog. <>= library(motifStack) #####Input##### pcms<-readPCM(file.path(find.package("motifStack"), "extdata"),"pcm$") motifs<-lapply(pcms,pcm2pfm) ## plot stacks motifStack(motifs, layout="stack", ncex=1.0) @ \incfig{motifStack-logostack}{0.6\textwidth}{Sequence logo stack.} {Plot motifs with sequence logo stack style.} <>= ## plot stacks with hierarchical tree motifStack(motifs, layout="tree") @ \incfig{motifStack-treestack}{0.8\textwidth}{Treeview layout logo stack.} {Sequence logo stack with hierarchical cluster tree.} <>== ## When the number of motifs is too much to be shown in a vertical stack, ## motifStack can draw them in a radial style. ## random sample from MotifDb library("MotifDb") matrix.fly <- query(MotifDb, "Dmelanogaster") motifs2 <- as.list(matrix.fly) ## use data from FlyFactorSurvey motifs2 <- motifs2[grepl("Dmelanogaster\\-FlyFactorSurvey\\-", names(motifs2))] ## format the names names(motifs2) <- gsub("Dmelanogaster_FlyFactorSurvey_", "", gsub("_FBgn\\d+$", "", gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]","_", gsub("(_\\d+)+$", "", names(motifs2))))) motifs2 <- motifs2[unique(names(motifs2))] pfms <- sample(motifs2, 50) ## creat a list of object of pfm motifs2 <- lapply(names(pfms), function(.ele, pfms){new("pfm",mat=pfms[[.ele]], name=.ele)} ,pfms) ## trim the motifs motifs2 <- lapply(motifs2, trimMotif, t=0.4) ## setting colors library(RColorBrewer) color <- brewer.pal(12, "Set3") ## plot logo stack with radial style motifStack(motifs2, layout="radialPhylog", circle=0.3, cleaves = 0.2, clabel.leaves = 0.5, col.bg=rep(color, each=5), col.bg.alpha=0.3, col.leaves=rep(color, each=5), col.inner.label.circle=rep(color, each=5), inner.label.circle.width=0.05, col.outer.label.circle=rep(color, each=5), outer.label.circle.width=0.02, circle.motif=1.2, angle=350) @ \incfig{motifStack-radialstack}{\textwidth}{Sequence logo stack in radial style} {Plot motifs in a radial style when the number of motifs is too much to be shown in a vertical stack.} \subsection{plot a sequence logo cloud} We can also plot a sequence logo cloud for DNA sequence logo (Figure \ref{motifStack-motifCloud}). <>= ## assign groups for motifs groups <- rep(paste("group",1:5,sep=""), each=10) names(groups) <- names(pfms) ## assign group colors group.col <- brewer.pal(5, "Set3") names(group.col)<-paste("group",1:5,sep="") ## use MotIV to calculate the distances of motifs jaspar.scores <- MotIV::readDBScores(file.path(find.package("MotIV"), "extdata", "jaspar2010_PCC_SWU.scores")) d <- MotIV::motifDistances(pfms) hc <- MotIV::motifHclust(d) ## convert the hclust to phylog object phylog <- hclust2phylog(hc) ## reorder the pfms by the order of hclust leaves <- names(phylog$leaves) pfms <- pfms[leaves] ## create a list of pfm objects pfms <- lapply(names(pfms), function(.ele, pfms){ new("pfm",mat=pfms[[.ele]], name=.ele)} ,pfms) ## extract the motif signatures motifSig <- motifSignature(pfms, phylog, groupDistance=0.01, min.freq=1) ## draw the motifs with a tag-cloud style. motifCloud(motifSig, scale=c(6, .5), layout="rectangles", group.col=group.col, groups=groups, draw.legend=T) @ \incfig{motifStack-motifCloud}{0.8\textwidth}{Sequence logo cloud with rectangle packing layout} {Like tag-cloud, the sequence logo size is determined by the number of motifs of the signature. The group sources of the motifs for each signature are shown as a pie graph in topleft corner.} \subsection{plot grouped sequence logo} To plot grouped sequence logo, except do motifCloud, we can also plot it with radialPhylog style (Figure \ref{motifStack-motifRadialPhylog}). <>= ## get the signatures from object of motifSignature sig <- signatures(motifSig) ## extract the motif names for each signature. ## the motif names are separated by ";" ## and then set the inner-circle color for each signature pfmNames <- lapply(sig, function(.ele){unlist(strsplit(.ele@name, ";"))}) pfmNames <- mapply(function(.ele, .name){cbind(.ele, .name)}, pfmNames, paste("gps", 1:length(pfmNames), sep="")) pfmNames <- do.call(rbind, pfmNames) pfmNames <- pfmNames[match(names(phylog$leaves), pfmNames[,1]),] bd.color <- c("gray80","gray30") in.color <- rle(pfmNames[,2]) in.color$values <- bd.color[rep(1:2, length(in.color$lengths))[1:length(in.color$lengths)]] pfmNames <- cbind(pfmNames, color=inverse.rle(in.color)) ## plot the logo stack with radial style. plotMotifStackWithRadialPhylog(phylog=phylog, pfms=sig, circle=0.4, cleaves = 0.3, clabel.leaves = 0.5, col.bg=rep(color, each=5), col.bg.alpha=0.3, col.leaves=rep(color, each=5), col.inner.label.circle=pfmNames[,3], inner.label.circle.width=0.03, angle=350, circle.motif=1.2, motifScale="logarithmic") @ \incfig{motifStack-motifRadialPhylog}{\textwidth} {Grouped sequence logo with radialPhylog style layout.} {Like tag-cloud, the sequence logo size is determined by the number of motifs for the signature. The gray-black circle indicates the range of each signature.} \section{References} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem[Oliver Bembom ()]{Oliver} seqLogo: Sequence logos for DNA sequence alignments. R package version 1.22.0. \bibitem[Eloi et al. (2010)]{Eloi2010} MotIV: Motif Identification and Validation. Eloi Mercier and Raphael Gottardo (2010). R package version 1.10.0. \bibitem[Mahony et al. (2007)]{Mahony2007} STAMP: a web tool for exploring DNA-binding motif similarities. Mahony S, Benos PV, Nucleic Acids Res. 2007, 35(Web Server issue): W253-W258. \end{thebibliography} \section{Session Info} <>= toLatex(sessionInfo()) @ \end{document}