% % NOTE -- ONLY EDIT THE .Rnw FILE!!! The .tex file is % likely to be overwritten. % %\VignetteIndexEntry{A modified spectral clustering method for clustering Flow Cytometry Data} %\VignetteDepends{SamSPECTRAL} %\VignetteKeywords{} %\VignettePackage{SamSPECTRAL} \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{cite, hyperref} \newcommand{\Rfunction}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Robject}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rpackage}[1]{{\textit{#1}}} \author{Habil Zare and Parisa Shooshtari } \begin{document} \title{SamSPECTRAL: A Modified Spectral Clustering Method for Clustering Flow Cytometry Data} \maketitle{} \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Introduction} Data analysis is a crucial step in most of recent biological research areas such as microarray techniques, gene expression and protein classification. A classical approach for analysing biological data is to first group individual data points based on some similarity criterion, a process known as clustering, and then compare the outcome of clustering with the desired biological hypotheses. Spectral clustering is a non-parametric clustering method %%(\citealp{spectral_tutorial}) which has proved useful in many pattern recognition areas. %%(\citealp{first_spectral}). Not only it does not require a priori assumptions on the size, shape and distributions of clusters, but it has several features that make it an appropriate candidate for clustering biological data: \begin{itemize} \item It is not sensitive to outliers, noise or shape of clusters. \item It is adjustable so we can make use of biological knowledge to adapt it for a specific problem or dataset. \item There is mathematical evidence to guarantee its proper performance. %%(\citealp{spectral_theory}). \end{itemize} However, because of the machine limitations, one faces serious empirical barriers in applying this method for large data sets. SamSPECTRAL is a modification to spectral clustering such that it will be applicable on large size datasets. See the reference for more details and cite it if you use this approach. \section{How to run SamSPECTRAL?} SamSPECTRAL is an R package source that can be downloaded from BioCunductor. In Linux, it can be installed by the following command: \newline $\\$ \texttt{R CMD INSTALL SamSPECTRAL\_x.y.z.tar.gz} \newline $\\$ where x.y.z. determines the version. The main function of this package is SamSPECTRAL() which is loaded by using the command library(SamSPECTRAL) in R. Before running this function on a data set, some parameters are required to be set including: normal.sigma and separation.factor. This can be best done by running the algorithm on some number of samples (Normally, 2 or 3 samples are sufficient). Then the function SamSPECTRAL() can be applied to all samples in that data set to identify cell populations in each sample data. \subsection{An example} This example shows how SamSPECTRAL can be run on flow cytometry data. If $f$ is a flow frame (which is normally read from an FCS file using flowCore), then the object "small" in the following example should be replaced by expr($f$). \begin{center} <>= library(SamSPECTRAL) data(small_data) full <- small L <- SamSPECTRAL(full,dimension=c(1,2,3),normal.sigma = 200,separation.factor = 0.39) plot(full, pch='.', col= L) @ \end{center} SamSPECTRAL is done. The results are in $L$, a vector that provides a numeric label for each event. All events with equal label are in one component and isolated outliers are labelled by $NA$. The following piece of code is not a part of the analysis and it is included only for more clear presentation of the results. The code computes the frequency of events in each component and adds a legend to the figure. \begin{center} <>= # Computing the frequency: plot(full, pch='.', col= L) frequency <- c() minimum.frequency <- 0.01 # components smaller than this threshould, will not be aprear in the legend statistics. frequency.large <- c() labels <- as.character(unique(L)) for(label in labels){ if(!is.na(label)){ frequency[label] <- length(which(L==label))/length(L) if(frequency[label] > minimum.frequency) frequency.large[label] <- frequency[label] } } print(frequency) # Adding legend legend(x="topleft",as.character(round(frequency.large,3)),col=names(frequency.large),pch=19) @ \end{center} \section{Adjusting parameters} For efficiency, one can set $m=3000$ to keep the running time bellow 1 minute by a 2 GHz processor and normally the results remained satisfactory for flow cytometry data. The separation factor and scaling parameter ($\sigma$) are two main parameters that needed to be adjusted. The general way is to run SamSPECTRAL on one or two random data samples of a flow cytometry data set and try different values for $\sigma$ and separation factor. Then, the selected parameters were fixed and used to apply SamSPECTRAL on the rest of data samples. An efficient strategy is explained by the following example. \subsection{Example} First we load data and store the transformed coordinates in a matrix called $full$: <>= data(small_data) full <- small @ The objects needed for creating this vignette can be directly computed or loaded from previously saved workspace to save time. The later increases the speed of building this vignette. <>= run.live <- FALSE @ The following parameters are rarely needed to be changed for flow cytometry data: <>= # Parameters: m <- 3000; community.weakness.threshold <-1; precision <- 6; maximum.number.of.clusters <- 30 @ The following piece of code, scales the coordinates in range [0,1]: <>= for (i.column in 1:dim(full)[2]){#For all columns ith.column <- full[,i.column] full[,i.column] <- (ith.column-min(ith.column)) /(max(ith.column) - min(ith.column) ) # This is the scaled column. }#End for (i.column. # Therefore, space.length <- 1 @ To perform faithful sampling, we run: <>= # Sample the data and build the communities society <- Building_Communities(full,m, space.length, community.weakness.threshold) plot(full[society$representatives, ], pch=20) @ We intend to first find an appropriate value for $\sigma$ and then set separation factor. Note that normal.sigma=$\frac{1}{\sigma^2}$, therefore, decreasing normal.sigma is equivalent to increasing $\sigma$ and visa versa. We start with normal.sigma=10: <>= normal.sigma <- 10 # Compute conductance between communities conductance <- Conductance_Calculation(full, normal.sigma, space.length, society, precision) # Compute the eigenspace: if (run.live){ clust_result.10 <- Civilized_Spectral_Clustering(full, maximum.number.of.clusters, society, conductance,stabilizer=1) eigen.values.10 <- clust_result.10@eigen.space$values } else data("eigen.values.10") plot(eigen.values.10[1:50]) @ We observe that the eigen values curve does not have a "knee" shape. So we increase sigma: <>= normal.sigma <- 1000 # Compute conductance between communities conductance <- Conductance_Calculation(full, normal.sigma, space.length, society, precision) # Compute the eigenspace: if (run.live){ clust_result.1000 <- Civilized_Spectral_Clustering(full, maximum.number.of.clusters, society, conductance,stabilizer=1) eigen.values.1000 <- clust_result.1000@eigen.space$values } else data("eigen.values.1000") plot(eigen.values.1000[1:50]) @ We observe that in the eigen values plot, "too many" values are close to 1 but for this example we do not expect 20 populations. So we decrease sigma: <>= normal.sigma <- 250 # Compute conductance between communities conductance <- Conductance_Calculation(full, normal.sigma, space.length, society, precision) # Compute the eigenspace: clust_result.250 <- Civilized_Spectral_Clustering(full, maximum.number.of.clusters, society, conductance,stabilizer=1) eigen.values.250 <- clust_result.250@eigen.space$values plot(eigen.values.250[1:50]) @ This is "a right" value for normal.sigma because the curve has now a knee shape. Even some variation to this parameter does not change the shape significantly (200 or 300 can be tried). Now having sigma been adjusted, separation factor can be tuned: <>= # Extracting labels: labels.for_num.of.clusters <- clust_result.250@labels.for_num.of.clusters number.of.clusters <- clust_result.250@number.of.clusters L33 <- labels.for_num.of.clusters[[number.of.clusters]] # Setting septation factor: separation.factor <- 0.1 # post-processing: component.of <- Connecting(full, society, conductance, number.of.clusters, labels.for_num.of.clusters, separation.factor)$label # ploting: plot(full, pch='.', col= component.of) @ This value is too small for the separation factor and a population is combined by mistake. Therefore, we increase septation factor to separate the components more: <>= # Setting septation factor: separation.factor <- 0.5 # post-possesing: component.of <- Connecting(full, society, conductance, number.of.clusters, labels.for_num.of.clusters, separation.factor)$label # ploting: plot(full, pch='.', col= component.of) @ This is the right value for separator factor as all population are now separated. Now, we can fix these values for the parameters; normal.sigma=250 and separation.factor=0.5. One can run the SamSPECTRAL algorithm on the rest of the data set without changing them, hopefully, obtaining as appropriate results. \section{Reference} Zare, H. and Shooshtari, P. and Gupta, A. and Brinkman R.B: \textbf{Data Reduction for Spectral Clustering to Analyse High Throughput Flow Cytometry Data.} \textit{BMC Bioinformatics}, 2010, \textbf{11}:403. \end{document}