Version 0.3.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Comment unused functions <2013-07-05 Fri> * Minor typos in vignette <2013-07-05 Fri> Version 0.3.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS * Support for mzIdentML v1.0 (thanks Laurent Gatto) Version 0.2.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS * Version counter now in BioConductor style * Namespace now extracted from file instead of hardcoded in the constructor * mzID constructor now checks the mzIdentML version before parsing (only 1.1.0 supported atm) Version 0.1-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS * Added function `flatten` to create tabular representation of results Version 0.0-2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS * The package is now fully documented * created helper functions: `countChildren`, `attrExtract` and `attrExtractNameValuePair` * Added NEWS file * Added file * The parser now succesfully imports all test files on the HUPO mzIdentML page PERFORMANCE * Improvements in the mzIDpsm constructor makes it ~2-3x faster depending on the file size (thanks to `countChildren`, `attrExtract` and `attrExtractNameValuePair`) Version 0.0-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS * First build of the package * Introduction of the classes: `mzID`, `mzIDdatabase`, `mzIDevidence`, `mzIDparameters`, `mzIDpeptides` and `mzIDpsm` with related constructors