CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.1 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o adjMatrix() has been renamed to toMatrix() o GO png trees are now automatically downloaded when generating the report o Legend metagroup/cluster order in has been changed to alphabetical BUG FIXES o Minor bug fixes CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Query David through web service (RDAVIDWebService): Avoids limitations of API interface o Added argument KeepColors to functionalNetwork and intersectionNetwork: Keeps the same color for each group even if some are filtered out. o Added argument geneLabels to getResults_david: Allows to replace the IDs for a gene name/symbol in the plots BUG FIXES o Minor bug fixes CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.1 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o query_david: Checks whether the server accepted the query o MAN pages using query_david: Reduced yeast example to 15 genes. In windows, with the whole gene list, the server returns "Error: Expectation failed". CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Package released