### R code from vignette source 'vignettes/Biobase/inst/doc/Qviews.Rnw' ################################################### ### code chunk number 1: doa ################################################### if (!("Biobase" %in% search())) library(Biobase) if (!("ALL" %in% search())) library(ALL) if (!("ALL" %in% objects())) data(ALL) ################################################### ### code chunk number 2: getaEF (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## library(Biobase) ## library(ALL) ## data(ALL) ## ALL ################################################### ### code chunk number 3: mkprov ################################################### dataSource = function(dsn) { if (!is(dsn, "character")) dsn = try(deparse(substitute(dsn))) if (inherits(dsn, "try-error")) stop("can't parse dsn arg") dd = data()$results if (is.na(match(dsn, dd[,"Item"]))) return(NULL) paste("package:", dd[ dd[,"Item"] == dsn, "Package" ], sep="") } ################################################### ### code chunk number 4: newmeth ################################################### setGeneric("peek", function(x,maxattr=10)standardGeneric("peek")) setMethod("peek", c("eSet", "numeric"), function(x,maxattr=10) { ds = dataSource(deparse(substitute(x))) if (!is.null(ds)) ds = paste(" [from ", ds, "]", sep="") else ds = "" cat(deparse(substitute(x)), ds, ":\n", sep="") cat("Platform annotation: ", annotation(x),"\n") cat("primary assay results are:\n") print(dim(x)) cat("sample attributes are:\n") vn = rownames(varMetadata(x)) ld = substr(varMetadata(x)$labelDescription,1,50) dd = data.frame("labelDescription[truncated]"=ld) rownames(dd) = vn if ((ndd <- nrow(dd)) <= maxattr) show(dd) else { cat("first", maxattr, "of", ndd, "attributes:\n") show(dd[1:maxattr,,drop=FALSE]) } cat("----------\n") cat("use varTable to see values/freqs of all sample attributes\n") cat("----------\n") }) setMethod("peek", c("eSet", "missing"), function(x,maxattr=10) { ds = dataSource(deparse(substitute(x))) if (!is.null(ds)) ds = paste(" [from ", ds, "]", sep="") else ds = "" cat(deparse(substitute(x)), ds, ":\n", sep="") cat("Platform annotation: ", annotation(x),"\n") cat("primary assay results are:\n") print(dim(x)) cat("sample attributes are:\n") vn = rownames(varMetadata(x)) ld = substr(varMetadata(x)$labelDescription,1,50) dd = data.frame("labelDescription[truncated]"=ld) rownames(dd) = vn if ((ndd <- nrow(dd)) <= maxattr) show(dd) else { cat("first", maxattr, "of", ndd, "attributes:\n") show(dd[1:maxattr,,drop=FALSE]) } cat("----------\n") cat("use varTable to see values/freqs of all sample attributes\n") cat("----------\n") }) setGeneric("varTable", function(x, full=FALSE, max=Inf) standardGeneric("varTable")) setMethod("varTable", c("eSet", "missing", "ANY"), function(x, full=FALSE, max=Inf) varTable(x, FALSE, max)) setMethod("varTable", c("eSet", "logical", "ANY"), function(x, full=FALSE, max=Inf) { ans = lapply( names(pData(x)), function(z)table(x[[z]]) ) tans = lapply(ans, names) kp = 1:min(max,length(tans)) if (!full) ans = sapply(tans, selectSome, 3)[kp] else ans = tans[kp] names(ans) = names(pData(x))[kp] ans }) setGeneric("varNames", function(x) standardGeneric("varNames")) setMethod("varNames", "eSet", function(x) names(pData(x))) ################################################### ### code chunk number 5: lka ################################################### peek(ALL) ################################################### ### code chunk number 6: lkv ################################################### varNames(ALL) ################################################### ### code chunk number 7: lkvn ################################################### varTable(ALL, max=4) ################################################### ### code chunk number 8: lkvn ################################################### varTable(ALL, full=TRUE, max=4)