\name{treeInfo-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{treeInfo-methods} \alias{treeInfo} \title{Get UserInfo from ROOT Trees} \description{ Extract the UserInfo from \code{\link{ROOT}} trees, i.e. quality control information. \emph{Usage} \code{ treeInfo(object, treenames = "*", treetype = character(0), varlist = "*", qualopt = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) } } \arguments{ \item{object}{Object of class \code{"TreeSet"}.} \item{treenames}{Object of class \code{"list"} representing the names of the \code{\link{ROOT}} trees.} \item{treetype}{type of tree to export, see \code{\link{validTreetype}}} \item{varlist}{names of tree leaves to export.} \item{qualopt}{option determining the data to which to apply qualification, one of \sQuote{raw}, \sQuote{adjusted}, \sQuote{normalized}, \sQuote{all}.} } \details{ \code{\link{ROOT}} trees have a pointer to a list fUserInfo where it is possible to store data which do not fit into the usual tree structure. Taking advantage of this feature \code{xps} stores certain pre-processed results of the tree(s) in this list. For example, data trees store the minimal/maximal intensities and the number of oligos with minimal/maximal intensities of the CEL-files in list fUserInfo, while call trees store the number and percentage of P/M/A calls. Function \code{treeInfo} allows to export this user information as a \code{data.frame}, whereby the parameters of \code{varlist} depend on the \code{treetype}: Parameters for data trees with extensions \code{"cel"}, \code{"int"}, and background trees: \cr \code{fMinInten}: minimal intensity. \cr \code{fMaxInten}: maximal intensity. \cr \code{fNMinInten}: number of probes with minimal intensity. \cr \code{fNMaxInten}: number of probes with maximal intensity. \cr \code{fMaxNPixels}: maximal number of pixels. \cr \code{fNQuantiles}: number of precalculated quantiles. \cr \code{fQuantiles}: quantiles. \cr \code{fIntenQuant}: intensities at quantiles. Parameters for expression trees: \cr \code{fNUnits}: number of units, i.e. probesets. \cr \code{fMinLevel}: minimal expression level. \cr \code{fMaxLevel}: maximal expression level. \cr \code{fNQuantiles}: number of precalculated quantiles. \cr \code{fQuantiles}: quantiles. \cr \code{fLevelQuant}: expression levels at quantiles. Parameters for call trees: \cr \code{fNUnits}: number of units, i.e. probesets. \cr \code{fNAbsent}: number of units with absent call. \cr \code{fNMarginal}: number of units with marginal call. \cr \code{fNPresent}: number of units with present call. \cr \code{fPcAbsent}: percentage of units with absent call. \cr \code{fPcMarginal}: percentage of units with marginal call. \cr \code{fPcPresent}: percentage of units with present call. \cr \code{fMinPValue}: minimal p-value. \cr \code{fMaxPValue}: maximal p-value. Parameters for border trees with extension \code{"brd"}: \cr \code{fMeanLeft}: mean intensity of left border. \cr \code{fMeanRight}: mean intensity of right border. \cr \code{fMeanTop}: mean intensity of top border. \cr \code{fMeanBottom}: mean intensity of bottom border. \cr \code{fCOIXhi}: x-location of COI for the positive elements. \cr \code{fCOIYhi}: y-location of COI for the positive elements. \cr \code{fCOIXlo}: x-location of COI for the negative elements. \cr \code{fCOIYlo}: y-location of COI for the negative elements. Parameters for quality trees with extension \code{"rlm"}: \cr \code{fNUnits}: number of units, i.e. probesets. \cr \code{fMinLevel}: minimal expression level. \cr \code{fMaxLevel}: maximal expression level. \cr \code{fNQuantiles}: number of precalculated quantiles. \cr \code{fQuantiles}: quantiles. \cr \code{fLevelQuant}: expression levels at quantiles. \cr \code{fNUSEQuant}: NUSE at quantiles. \cr \code{fRLEQuant}: RLE at quantiles. \cr \code{fQualOption}: value of \code{qualopt}. Parameters for residual trees with extension \code{"res"}: \cr \code{fNQuantiles}: number of precalculated quantiles. \cr \code{fQuantiles}: quantiles. \cr \code{fResiduQuant}: residual at quantiles. \cr \code{fWeightQuant}: weight at quantiles. \cr \code{fQualOption}: value of \code{qualopt}. } \value{ A \code{data.frame}. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \note{ Taking advantage of function \code{treeInfo} plotting methods \code{\link{boxplot}}, \code{\link{callplot}}, \code{\link{coiplot}}, \code{\link{nuseplot}} and \code{\link{rleplot}} are able to display their results much faster, which is especially useful for large datasets. } \seealso{\code{\link{validTreetype}}} \examples{ ## load existing ROOT scheme file and ROOT data file scheme.test3 <- root.scheme(paste(.path.package("xps"),"schemes/SchemeTest3.root",sep="/")) data.test3 <- root.data(scheme.test3, paste(.path.package("xps"),"rootdata/DataTest3_cel.root",sep="/")) userinfo <- treeInfo(data.test3, treetype="cel", varlist="*") userinfo userinfo <- treeInfo(data.test3, treename="TestB1", treetype="cel", varlist = "fNQuantiles:fIntenQuant") userinfo \dontrun{ userinfo <- treeInfo(rlm.all, treetype="rlm", varlist = "fNQuantiles:fNUSEQuant:fRLEQuant", qualopt = "raw") userinfo userinfo <- treeInfo(rlm.all, treetype="brd") userinfo userinfo <- treeInfo(rlm.all, treetype="res", qualopt = "raw") userinfo userinfo <- treeInfo(rlm.all, treetype="res", varlist = "fResiduQuant", qualopt = "raw") userinfo } } \keyword{methods}