\name{import.expr.scheme} \alias{import.expr.scheme} \title{Import CDF, probe and annotation files into a SchemeTreeSet} \description{ Import the Affymetrix CDF, probe and annotation files into a ROOT file and create S4 class SchemeTreeSet } \usage{ import.expr.scheme(filename = character(0), filedir = getwd(), schemefile = character(0), probefile = character(0), annotfile = character(0), chipname = NULL, add.mask = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{file name of ROOT scheme file.} \item{filedir}{system directory where ROOT scheme file should be stored.} \item{schemefile}{name of CDF-file, including full path.} \item{probefile}{name of probe-file, including full path.} \item{annotfile}{name of annotation-file, including full path.} \item{chipname}{optional chip name when using an alternative CDF-file.} \item{add.mask}{logical. If \code{TRUE} mask information will be included as slot \code{mask}.} \item{verbose}{logical, if \code{TRUE} print status information.} } \details{ \code{import.expr.scheme} is used to import all information for an Affymetrix expression array into a \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme file, including CDF-file, the corresponding probe file, and the current Afymetrix annotation file. Usually, \code{chipname} is extracted from the name of the CDF-file, however, when using an alternative CDF-file, e.g. from BrainArray or AffyProbeMiner, a \code{chipname} must be supplied which starts with (or contains) the exact Affymetrix chip name. An S4 class \code{\link{SchemeTreeSet}} will be created, serving as R wrapper to the \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme file \code{filename}. Since a new \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme file needs only to be created when a new annotation file is available from the Affymetrix website, it is recommended to store all \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme files in a commonly accessible system directory \code{filedir}. Use function \code{\link{root.scheme}} to access the \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme file from new R sessions to avoid creating a new \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme file for every session. } \value{ A \code{SchemeTreeSet} object. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \note{As mentioned above, use function \code{\link{root.scheme}} to access the \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme file from new R sessions to avoid creating a new \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme file for every R session. Do not separate \code{filename} of ROOT files with dots, use underscores, e.g. do not use \code{filename="Scheme.Test3.na32"} but use \code{filename="Scheme_Test3_na32"} or simply \code{filename="SchemeTest3na32"} instead. Extension \dQuote{root} is added automatically, so that ROOT is able to recognize the file as ROOT file. For a few probesets, parsing the Affymetrix annotation files will provide ambiguous results. Setting \code{verbose=11} will list these probesets. } \seealso{\code{\link{import.exon.scheme}}, \code{\link{import.genome.scheme}}, \code{\link{root.scheme}}, \code{\link{SchemeTreeSet}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## define paths scmdir <- "/common/path/schemes" libdir <- "/my/path/Affy/libraryfiles" anndir <- "/my/path/Affy/Annotation" ## create scheme for Test3 GeneChip scheme.test3.na32 <- import.expr.scheme("Scheme_Test3_na32", filedir=scmdir, schemefile=file.path(libdir, "Test3.CDF"), probefile=file.path(libdir, "Test3_probe.tab"), annotfile=file.path(anndir, "Test3.na32.annot.csv")) ## access ROOT scheme file from new R session scheme.test3 <- root.scheme(file.path(scmdir, "Scheme_Test3_na32.root")) ## create scheme for HG-U133_Plus_2 GeneChip scheme.hgu133p2.na32 <- import.expr.scheme("Scheme_HGU133p2_na32", filedir=scmdir, schemefile=file.path(libdir, "HG-U133_Plus_2.cdf"), probefile=file.path(libdir, "HG-U133-PLUS_probe.tab"), annotfile=file.path(anndir, "HG-U133_Plus_2.na32.annot.csv")) ## access ROOT scheme file from new R session scheme.hgu133p2 <- root.scheme(file.path(scmdir, "Scheme_HGU133p2_na32.root")) } } \keyword{manip}