\name{image-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{image-methods} \alias{image} \title{Display an Image} \description{ Creates an image of intensities or residuals, respectively, for each sample. \emph{Usage} \code{image(x, bg = FALSE, transfo = log2, col = NULL, names = "namepart", xlab = "", ylab = "", add.legend = FALSE, ...)} \code{image(x, type = c("resids", "pos.resids", "neg.resids", "sign.resids", "weights"), qualopt = c("raw", "adjusted", "normalized"), transfo = log2, col = NULL, names = "namepart", xlab = "", ylab = "", add.legend = FALSE, ...)} } \arguments{ \item{x}{object of class \code{\link{ProcesSet}}.} \item{bg}{logical. If \code{FALSE}, intensities from slot \code{data} will be used; if \code{TRUE}, background intensities from slot \code{bgrd} will be used.} \item{type}{character string specifying the type of residual image.} \item{qualopt}{character string specifying whether to draw residual image for \dQuote{raw}, \dQuote{adjusted}, or \dQuote{normalized} intensities.} \item{transfo}{a valid function to transform the data, usually \dQuote{log2}, or \dQuote{0}.} \item{col}{color range for intensities.} \item{names}{optional vector of sample names.} \item{xlab}{a label for the x axis.} \item{ylab}{ a label for the y axis.} \item{add.legend}{logical, if TRUE then a color bar will be drawn.} \item{\dots}{optional arguments to be passed to \code{image}.} } \details{ Creates an image of intensities or residuals, respectively, for each array, i.e. \sQuote{pseudo chip images}. If \code{x} belongs to class \code{DataTreeSet} then images of raw intensities will be drawn. If \code{x} belongs to class \code{ExprTreeSet} and \code{bg=FALSE} then images of background corrected intensities will be drawn. If \code{x} belongs to class \code{ExprTreeSet} and \code{bg=TRUE} the distribution of the background intensities will be shown; this can be useful to see potential density gradients caused by hybridization conditions. For the computation of background intensities see function \code{\link{bgcorrect}}; it is suggested to use \code{\link{bgcorrect.mas4}} to identify density gradients. If \code{x} belongs to class \code{QualTreeSet} then images of the residuals or the probe weights, respectively, will be drawn. For \code{col=NULL} the same colors will be used as described in vignette \dQuote{QualityAssess.pdf} of package \code{affyPLM}, using internally function \code{pseudoPalette} described in \code{affyPLM}. For \code{names=NULL} full tree names will be displayed while for \code{names="namepart"} column names will be displayed without name extension. If \code{names} is a vector of tree names then data from these trees only will displayed as image(s). } \author{Christian Stratowa} \seealso{\code{\link{plotImage}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## images of raw intensities as imported using import.data() unlist(treeNames(data.test3)) # show available tree names image(data.test3, names="TestA2.cel") image(data.test3) ## images of background adjusted or background intensities, created by e.g. rma() getTreeNames(rootFile(data.rma)) image(data.rma, names="TestA2.int") image(data.rma, names="TestA2.rbg", bg=TRUE) ## residual images, created by e.g. rmaPLM() getTreeNames(rootFile(rlm.all), treetype="res") image(rlm.all, type="resids") image(rlm.all, type="resids", names="TestA2_raw.res", add.legend=TRUE) image(rlm.all, type="pos.resids", names="TestA2_raw.res", add.legend=TRUE) image(rlm.all, type="neg.resids", names="TestA2_raw.res", add.legend=TRUE) image(rlm.all, type="sign.resids", names="TestA2_raw.res", add.legend=TRUE) image(rlm.all, type="weights", names="TestA2_raw.res", add.legend=TRUE) image(rlm.all, type="resids", qualopt="adjusted", names="TestA2_adjusted.res", add.legend=TRUE) } } \keyword{methods}