\name{gapFilter-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{gapFilter-methods} \alias{gapFilter} \alias{gapFilter<-} \title{Gap Filter} \description{ This method initializes the Gap Filter. \cr The \code{gapFilter} looks for genes that might usefully discriminate between two groups. To do this we look for a gap in the ordered expression values. The gap should come in the central portion, thus a parameter \code{window} is defined to exclude jumps in the initial \code{window} values and the final \code{window} values. \cr The Gap Filter flags all rows with: \code{flag = ((gap[i+1] - gap[i])/mean >= cutoff)} \code{gapFilter(object)} \cr \code{gapFilter(object, value)<-} } \arguments{ \item{object}{object of class \code{PreFilter}.} \item{value}{numeric vector \code{c(cutoff, window, trim, epsilon)}.} } \details{ The method \code{gapFilter} initializes the following parameters: \tabular{lll}{ \tab \code{cutoff}:\tab the cutoff level for the filter. \cr \tab \code{window}:\tab trim value for the ordered expression levels (default is \code{window=0.05}). \cr \tab \code{trim}:\tab the trim value for trimmed mean (default is \code{trim=0}). \cr \tab \code{epsilon}:\tab value to replace mean (default is \code{epsilon=0.01}): \cr \tab \tab \code{epsilon > 0}: replace mean=0 with epsilon. \cr \tab \tab \code{epsilon = 0}: always set mean=1. } Note, that for \code{epsilon = 0} the filter flags all rows with: (gap[i+1] - gap[i]) >= cutoff } \value{ An initialized \code{PreFilter} object. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \examples{ prefltr <- PreFilter() gapFilter(prefltr) <- c(0.3,0.05,0.0,0.01) str(prefltr) } \keyword{methods}