\name{firma.score} \alias{firma.score} \title{Get Splice Score from FIRMA} \description{ Extracts the FIRMA splice score from data.frame \code{data}. } \usage{ firma.score(xps.data, probeset = NULL, option = "probeset") } \arguments{ \item{xps.data}{object of class \code{\link{ExprTreeSet}}.} \item{probeset}{probesetID or NULL.} \item{option}{option determining the \code{probeset} type for which to extract expression levels, one of \sQuote{probeset}, \sQuote{exon}.} } \details{ Function \code{firma.score} returns the FIRMA splice score described in Purdom et al. from slot \code{data} for a given \code{probeset}, or for all probesets in case of \code{probeset=NULL}. Row names will be the Affymetrix probesetIDs or exonIDs, respectively, dependent on the selected \code{option}. } \value{ A \code{\link{data.frame}}. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \note{ For \code{option="probeset"} parameter \code{probeset} should usually be the transcriptID in order to get the splice scores for all probesetIDs of the corresponding transcriptID. } \references{ Purdom, E., Simpson K.M., Robinson M.D., Conboy J.G., Lapuk A.V. and Speed, T.P. (2008), FIRMA: a method for detection of alternative splicing from exon array data. Bioinformatics 24(15):1707-1714 } \seealso{\code{\link{firma}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## get probeset splice scores for all probeset or for probeset=2429278 score.firma <- firma.score(sub.firma.ps, probeset=NULL, option="probeset") score.firma <- firma.score(sub.firma.ps, probeset=2429278, option="probeset") ## get probeset splice scores for all probesets corresponding to transcript=2429277 score.firma <- firma.score(sub.firma.ps, probeset=2429277, option="probeset") } } \keyword{manip}