\name{attachData-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{attachData-methods} \alias{attachData} \alias{removeData-methods} \alias{removeData} \title{Attach/Remove Data} \description{ Attach/remove data from trees to/from \code{\link{ProcesSet}}. \emph{Usage} \code{attachData(object, treenames = character(0), varlist = character(0), outfile = "data.txt")} \code{removeData(object)} } \arguments{ \item{object}{Object of class \code{"ProcesSet"}.} \item{treename}{vector of tree names to export.} \item{varlist}{names of tree leaves to export} \item{outfile}{name of output file.} } \details{ \code{attachData} exports \code{varlist} from tree(s) with \code{treenames} and and saves the result as \code{data.frame} in slot \code{data}. Possible values of parameter \code{varlist} are described in \code{\link{export}}. \code{removeData} removes data from slot \code{data} and replaces data.frame \code{data} with an empty data.frame of dim(0,0). } \value{ A \code{\link{ProcesSet}} object. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \seealso{\code{\link{attachDataXY}}, \code{\link{attachInten}}} \keyword{methods}