\name{all.present.in.group} \alias{all.present.in.group} \title{ Filter by PMA call } \description{ Filters an object by PMA calls. Must be called present in at leset 'no' elements in at least one of the replicate sets in the factor 'group' } \usage{ \method{all}{present.in.group}(x,group,members,calls,no = "all") } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object to filter } \item{group}{ The factor to filter by } \item{members}{ The members in the group to check. If null, checks all possible ones} \item{calls}{ A matrix of PMA calls } \item{no}{ How many in a row to pass the filter? If 'all' then all must be present} } \value{ A probesetid } \author{ Crispin J Miller } \examples{ \dontrun{ all.present.in.group(eset,calls,"line",dim(calls)[2]) } } \keyword{ misc }