\name{BPMAPCelParser} \alias{BPMAPCelParser} \title{BPMAP and CEL files Reader} \description{ One-step reading of BPMAP and CEL files, using Fusion SDK and affxparser. } \usage{ BPMAPCelParser(BPMAPFileName, CelFileNames, genomeName=NULL, verbose=FALSE,groupName="",seqName="") } \arguments{ \item{BPMAPFileName}{String containing the full filename of the BPMAP file.} \item{CelFileNames}{Vector of strings containing full filenames of CEL files. i.e. c("F1.CEL", "F2.CEL"} \item{genomeName}{ String containing the genome name used.} \item{groupName}{ String containing the group of genome name used.} \item{seqName}{ String containing the group of sequence name (e.g. chromosome) used.} \item{verbose}{If verbose is selected, the progress and additional information will be displayed while the function is running} } \details{ This function returns an object of class \code{tilingSet} containing all necessary information: probe sequences, genomic positions, chromosomes as well as the probe intensities. } \value{ An object of class \code{tilingSet}. } \author{ Charles Cheung, \email{cykc@interchange.ubc.ca} and Raphael Gottardo, \email{rgottard@fhcrc.org} Arnaud Droit, \email{arnaud.droit@crchuq.ulaval.ca} } \seealso{ \code{affyTile} for information about the package. } \examples{ #################################################### #The data are in inst/doc folder in rMAT package #################################################### pwd<-"" #INPUT FILES- BPMAP, ARRAYS, etc. path<- system.file("doc/Sc03b_MR_v04_10000.bpmap",package="rMAT") bpmapFile<-paste(pwd,path,sep="") pathCEL<- system.file("doc/Swr1WTIP_Short.CEL",package="rMAT") arrayFile<-paste(pwd,c(pathCEL),sep="") # Show the all the different sequences ReadBPMAPAllSeqHeader(bpmapFile) # create a tiling Set from the corresponding data # This will only grep the sequences with Sc ScSet<-BPMAPCelParser(bpmapFile, arrayFile, verbose=FALSE,groupName="Sc") # show the object show(ScSet) # summarize its content summary(ScSet) } \keyword{file} \keyword{IO}