\name{qpSampleFromHMGM} \alias{qpSampleFromHMGM} \title{ Sample from homogeneous mixed graphical Markov models } \description{ Samples synthetic data from homogeneous mixed graphical Markov models (experimental feature). } \usage{ qpSampleFromHMGM(n=10, hmgm=qpRndHMGM()) } \arguments{ \item{n}{number of observations to sample.} \item{hmgm}{homogeneous mixed graphical Markov model as generated by the function \code{\link{qpRndHMGM}}.} } \details{ This function samples synthetic data from a random homogeneous mixed graphical model build with the function \code{\link{qpRndHMGM}}. This is still an experimental feature. } \value{ The sampled synthetic data. } \references{ Castelo, R. and Roverato, A. A robust procedure for Gaussian graphical model search from microarray data with p larger than n, \emph{J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, 7:2621-2650, 2006. } \author{R. Castelo and A. Roverato} \seealso{ \code{\link{qpRndGraph}} \code{\link{qpSampleFromHMGM}} } \examples{ qpSampleFromHMGM() } \keyword{models} \keyword{multivariate}