\name{qpK2ParCor} \alias{qpK2ParCor} \title{ Partial correlation coefficients } \description{ Obtains partial correlation coefficients from a given concentration matrix. } \usage{ qpK2ParCor(K) } \arguments{ \item{K}{positive definite matrix, typically a concentration matrix.} } \details{ This function applies \code{\link[stats]{cov2cor}} to the given concentration matrix and then changes the sign of the off-diagonal entries in order to obtain a partial correlation matrix. } \value{ A partial correlation matrix. } \references{ Lauritzen, S.L. \emph{Graphical models}. Oxford University Press, 1996. } \author{R. Castelo and A. Roverato} \seealso{ \code{\link{qpG2Sigma}} } \examples{ require(graph) n.var <- 5 # number of variables set.seed(123) g <- randomEGraph(as.character(1:n.var), p=0.15) Sigma <- qpG2Sigma(g, rho=0.5) K <- solve(Sigma) round(qpK2ParCor(K), digits=2) as(g, "matrix") } \keyword{models} \keyword{multivariate}