\name{pumaFull} \alias{pumaFull} \title{Perform a full PUMA analysis} \description{ Full analysis including pumaPCA and mmgmos/pumaDE vs rma/limma comparison } \usage{ pumaFull ( affybatch = NULL , data_dir = getwd() , load_affybatch = FALSE , calculate_eset = TRUE , calculate_pumaPCAs = TRUE , calculate_bcomb = TRUE , mmgmosComparisons = FALSE ) } \arguments{ \item{affybatch}{ An object of class \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}}. } \item{data_dir}{ A character string specifying where data files are stored. } \item{load_affybatch}{ Boolean. Load a pre-existing AffyBatch object? Note that this has to be named "affybatch.rda" and be in the \code{data_dir} directory. } \item{calculate_eset}{ Boolean. Calculate ExpressionSet from \code{affybatch} object? If FALSE, files named "eset\_mmgmos.rda" and "eset\_rma.rda" must be available in the \code{data\_dir} directory. } \item{calculate_pumaPCAs}{ Boolean. Calculate pumaPCA from \code{eset\_mmgmos} object? If FALSE, a file named "pumaPCA\_results.rda" must be available in the \code{data\_dir} directory. } \item{calculate_bcomb}{ Boolean. Calculate pumaComb from \code{eset\_mmgmos} object? If FALSE, files named "eset\_comb.rda" and "eset\_normd\_comb.rda" must be available in the \code{data\_dir} directory. } \item{mmgmosComparisons}{ Boolean. If TRUE, will compare mmgmos with default settings, with mmgmos used with background correction. } } \value{ No return values. Various objects are saved as .rda files during the execution of this function, and various PDF files are created. } \author{ Richard D. Pearson } \seealso{Related methods \code{\link{pumaDE}}, \code{\link{createDesignMatrix}} and \code{\link{createContrastMatrix}}} \examples{ ## Code commented out to ensure checks run quickly # if (require(affydata)) data(Dilution) # pumaFull(Dilution) } \keyword{manip}