\name{pumaClustii} \alias{pumaClustii} \title{Propagate probe-level uncertainty in robust t mixture clustering on replicated gene expression data} \description{ This function clusters gene expression by including uncertainties of gene expression measurements from probe-level analysis models and replicate information into a robust t mixture clustering model. The inputs are gene expression levels and the probe-level standard deviation associated with expression measurement for each gene on each chip. The outputs is the clustering results. } \usage{ pumaClustii(e=NULL, se=NULL, efile=NULL, sefile=NULL, subset=NULL, gsnorm=FALSE, mincls, maxcls, conds, reps, verbose=FALSE, eps=1.0e-5, del0=0.01) } \arguments{ \item{e}{ data frame containing the expression level for each gene on each chip. } \item{se}{ data frame containing the standard deviation of gene expression levels. } \item{efile}{ character, the name of the file which contains gene expression measurements. } \item{sefile}{ character, the name of the file which contains the standard deviation of gene expression measurements. } \item{subset}{ vector specifying the row number of genes which are clustered on.} \item{gsnorm}{ logical specifying whether do global scaling normalisation or not. } \item{mincls}{integer, the minimum number of clusters. } \item{maxcls}{ integer, the maximum number of clusters. } \item{conds}{ integer, the number of conditions. } \item{reps}{ vector, specifying which condition each column of the input data matrix belongs to. } \item{verbose}{ logical value. If 'TRUE' messages about the progress of the function is printed. } \item{eps}{ numeric, optimisation parameter. } \item{del0}{ numeric, optimisation parameter. } } \details{ The input data is specified either by e and se, or by efile and sefile. } \value{ The result is a list with components cluster: vector, containing the membership of clusters for each gene; centers: matrix, the center of each cluster; centersigs: matrix, the center variance of each cluster; likelipergene: matrix, the likelihood of belonging to each cluster for each gene; optK: numeric, the optimal number of clusters. optF: numeric, the maximised value of target function. } \references{ Liu,X. and Rattray,M. (2009) Including probe-level measurement error in robust mixture clustering of replicated microarray gene expression, technical report available upon request. Liu,X., Lin,K.K., Andersen,B., and Rattray,M. (2007) Propagating probe-level uncertainty in model-based gene expression clustering, BMC Bioinformatics, 8:98. Liu,X., Milo,M., Lawrence,N.D. and Rattray,M. (2005) A tractable probabilistic model for Affymetrix probe-level analysis across multiple chips, Bioinformatics, 21(18):3637-3644. } \author{ Xuejun Liu } \seealso{ Related method \code{\link[puma]{mmgmos}} and \code{\link[puma]{pumaClust}}} \examples{ data(Clustii.exampleE) data(Clustii.exampleStd) r<-vector(mode="integer",0) for (i in c(1:20)) for (j in c(1:4)) r<-c(r,i) cl<-pumaClustii(Clustii.exampleE,Clustii.exampleStd,mincls=6,maxcls=6,conds=20,reps=r,eps=1e-3) } \keyword{ manip } \keyword{ models }