\name{clusterNormVar} \alias{clusterNormVar} \title{ Adjusting expression variance for zero-centered normalisation } \description{ This function adjusts the variance of the gene expression according to the zero-centered normalisation. } \usage{ clusterNormVar(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a vector which contains the variance of gene expression level on log2 scale. } } \details{ Vector x is related to a gene and each element is related to a chip. } \value{ The return vector is in the same format as the input x. } \author{ Xuejun Liu, Magnus Rattray } \seealso{ See Also as \code{\link{pumaClust}} and \code{\link{pumaClustii}} } \examples{ data(Clust.exampleE) data(Clust.exampleStd) Clust.exampleVar<-Clust.exampleStd^2 Clust.exampleStd.centered<-t(apply(cbind(Clust.exampleE,Clust.exampleVar), 1, clusterNormVar)) } \keyword{ manip }