\name{Clustii.exampleE} \alias{Clustii.exampleE} \docType{data} \title{ The example data of the mean gene expression levels} \description{ This data is an artificial example of the mean gene exapression levels generated by package \code{\link[puma]{mmgmos}}. } \usage{data(Clustii.exampleE)} \format{ A 600x80 matrix including 600 genes and 20 conditions. Each condition has 4 replicates. Every 100 genes belong to one cluster from the first gene. There are 6 clusters. } \source{ Liu,X. and Rattray,M. (2009) Including probe-level measurement error in robust mixture clustering of replicated microarray gene expression, technical report available upon request. } \seealso{\code{\link[puma]{Clustii.exampleStd}}} \keyword{datasets}