\name{join.top.regions} \alias{join.top.regions} \title{ Merge the overlapping top chromosomal regions. } \description{Select the top models that exceed the threshold and merge the overlapping windows. Useful for interpreting the results.} \usage{ join.top.regions(model, feature.info, quantile.th = 0.95, augment = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{model}{Object of \linkS4class{ChromosomeModels} or \linkS4class{GenomeModels} class.} \item{feature.info}{A data frame containing annotations for genes. For instance the geneExp$info table from our example data set (see data(chromosome17)).} \item{quantile.th}{Threshold to define what quantile of the genes to include in the top region list, based on dependency scores for each gene.} \item{augment}{If TRUE, list also genes that were not used for modeling but available in the annotations (feature.info) and residing within the same region.} } \value{A list; each element is a vector of gene names that correspond to one continuous region.} \references{See citation("pint")} \author{ Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi} } \seealso{summarize.region.parameters} \examples{ ## NOT RUN # top.regions <- join.top.regions(model, geneExp$info, quantile.th = 0.95) } \keyword{ utilities }