\name{get.neighs} \alias{get.neighs} \title{get.neighs} \description{Matching function called by the get.neighboring.probes} \usage{ get.neighs(X, Y, xchrinds, ychrinds, max.dist, remove.duplicates = TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{X}{Data object. See help(screen.cgh.mrna). For instance, geneExp from our example data set.} \item{Y}{Data object. See help(screen.cgh.mrna). For instance, geneCopyNum from our example data set.} \item{xchrinds}{chromosomal indices for the probes in X data set} \item{ychrinds}{chromosomal indices for the probes in Y data set} \item{max.dist}{consider probes within this chromosomal distance} \item{remove.duplicates}{remove duplicate probes in many-to-one matching cases, use the closest match} } \value{List of matched X and Y indices.} \references{See citation("pint")} \author{Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi}} \examples{ # Intended for internal use. } \keyword{ utilities }