\name{geneCopyNum} \docType{data} \alias{geneCopyNum} \title{Gene copy number data in chromosome 17} \description{ Preprocessed gene copy number (aCGH) data for 51 patients in chromosome 17. } \usage{data(chromosome17)} \format{A list which contain the following data: \describe{ \item{data}{ gene copy number data in matrix form. Genes are in columns and samples in rows} \item{info}{ Data frame which contains following information about genes in data matrix. \describe{ \item{chr}{ Factor indicating the chrosome for the gene (1 to 23, or X or Y} \item{arm}{ Factor indicating the chromosomal arm for the gene ('p' or 'q')} \item{loc}{ Location of the gene in base pairs.} } } } } \source{Integrated gene copy number and expression microarray analysis of gastric cancer highlights potential target genes. Myllykangas et al., \emph{International Journal of Cancer}, vol. \bold{123}, \bold{no. 4}, pp. 817--25, 2008.} \keyword{datasets}