\name{GeneDependencyModel-class} %\Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{GeneDependencyModel-class} \alias{setLoc<-} \alias{setGeneName<-} \alias{setChromosome<-} \alias{setArm<-} \alias{getScore} \alias{getLoc} \alias{setLoc<-,GeneDependencyModel-method} \alias{setGeneName<-,GeneDependencyModel-method} \alias{setChromosome<-,GeneDependencyModel-method} \alias{setArm<-,GeneDependencyModel-method} \alias{getScore,GeneDependencyModel-method} \alias{getLoc,GeneDependencyModel-method} \alias{getGeneName,GeneDependencyModel-method} \alias{getWindowSize,GeneDependencyModel-method} \alias{getChromosome,GeneDependencyModel-method} \alias{getArm,GeneDependencyModel-method} \alias{getZ,GeneDependencyModel-method} \title{Class "GeneDependencyModel"} \description{A Genomic Dependency model for two data sets} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Used to represent individual dependency models for screening inside \linkS4class{ChromosomeModels}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{loc}{middle location of the window in base pairs} \item{geneName}{name of the gene in the middle of the window} \item{chromosome}{Chromosome where the dependency model is calculated} \item{arm}{Chromosome arm where the dependency model is calculated} \item{W}{a list of X, Y and total components containing the relationship between two data sets; for dependency model for one dataset, only total is given} \item{phi}{a list of X, Y and total components containing the data set specific covariances; for dependency model for one dataset, only total is given} \item{score}{score for fitness of model} %\item{windowSize}{size of the window} \item{method}{name of the used method} \item{params}{list of parameters used in dependency model} \item{data}{The data used to calculate the dependency model} \item{z}{The latent variable Z} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \linkS4class{DependencyModel} directly. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{setLoc<-}{\code{signature(model = "GeneDependencyModel")}: sets models location } \item{setGeneName<-}{\code{signature(model = "GeneDependencyModel")}: sets models gene name } \item{setChromosome<-}{\code{signature(model = "GeneDependencyModel")}: sets models chromosome } \item{setArm<-}{\code{signature(model = "GeneDependencyModel")}: sets models chromosome arm } \item{getLoc}{\code{signature(model = "GeneDependencyModel")}: Returns the middle location of the window} \item{getGeneName}{\code{signature(model = "GeneDependencyModel")}: Returns the name of the gene in the middle of window} \item{getChromosome}{\code{signature(model = "GeneDependencyModel")}: Returns the chromosome} \item{getArm}{\code{signature(model = "GeneDependencyModel")}: Returns the chromosome arm} \item{getWindowSize}{\code{signature(model = "GeneDependencyModel")}: Returns the size of window} \item{getZ}{\code{signature(model = "GeneDependencyModel")}: Calculates the expectation of latent variable Z. The original data is needed as arguments as given to screen function} } } \author{Olli-Pekka Huovilainen \email{ohuovila@gmail.com}} \seealso{ For calculation of dependency models for chromosomal arm, chromosome or genome: \code{\link{screen.cgh.mrna}}. Dependency models for whole chromosome: \linkS4class{ChromosomeModels}. Dependency models for whole genome: \linkS4class{GenomeModels}. For plotting dependency scores see \link{dependency score plotting}. } \examples{ data(chromosome17) # First genomic dependency model from screening chromosomal arm models <- screen.cgh.mrna(geneExp, geneCopyNum, 10, chr=17, arm='p') model <- models[[1]] # Printing information of the model model # Latent variable Z getZ(model, geneExp,geneCopyNum) # Contributions of samples and variables to model plot(model,geneExp,geneCopyNum) } \keyword{classes}