\name{clusterDist} \alias{clusterDist} \title{ clusterDist } \description{ Clustering analysis based on a distance matrix. } \usage{ clusterDist(x, distMatrix, clusterFun='hclust', ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An \code{imageHTS} object. } \item{distMatrix}{A pair-wise distance matrix or a \code{dist} object. } \item{clusterFun}{A character string defining the cluster function.} \item{...}{Additional arguments to be passed to the cluster function. } } \details{ This function performs a clustering analysis based on a pair-wise distance matrix such as generated by \code{PDMBySvmAccuracy}. } \value{ The return from the cluster function, such as an \code{hclust} object returned from the \code{hclust} function. } \seealso{\code{hclust}, \code{PDMBySvmAccuracy}} \author{Xian Zhang} \examples{ library('phenoDist') ## load the imageHTS object load(system.file('kimorph', 'kimorph.rda', package='phenoDist')) x@localPath <- file.path(tempdir(), 'kimorph') ## load sample phenotypic distance matrix load(system.file('kimorph', 'svmAccPDM_Pl1.rda', package='phenoDist')) ## phenotypic clustering phenoCluster <- clusterDist(x, distMatrix=svmAccPDM_Pl1, clusterFun='hclust', method='ward') \dontrun{ require('GOstats') GOEnrich <- enrichAnalysis(x, cl=cutree(phenoCluster, k=5), terms='GO', annotation='org.Hs.eg.db', pvalueCutoff=0.01, testDirection='over', ontology='BP', conditional=TRUE) } }