\name{get.index} \alias{get.index} \title{Function to compute indices for ordering hypotheses in Package 'multtest'} \description{ The hypotheses tested in a multiple testing procedure (MTP), can be ordered based on the output of that procedure. This function orders hypotheses based on adjusted p-values, then unadjusted p-values (to break ties in adjusted p-values), and finally test statistics (to break remaining ties). } \usage{ get.index(adjp, rawp, stat) } \arguments{ \item{adjp}{Numeric vector of adjusted p-values.} \item{rawp}{Numeric vector of unadjusted ("raw") marginal p-values.} \item{stat}{Numeric vector of test statistics.} } \value{ Numeric vector of indices so that the hypotheses can be ordered accroding to significance (smallest p-values and largest test statistics first). This function is used in the plot method for objects of class \code{MTP} to order adjusted p-values for graphical summaries. The summary method for objects of class \code{MTP} will return these indices as its second component. } \author{Katherine S. Pollard} \seealso{\code{\link{MTP}}, \code{\link{plot,MTP-method}}, \code{\link{summary,MTP-method}}} \examples{ data<-matrix(rnorm(200),nr=20) mtp<-MTP(X=data,test="t.onesamp") index<-get.index(adjp=mtp@adjp,rawp=mtp@rawp,stat=mtp@statistic) mtp@statistic[index] mtp@estimate[index] apply(data[index,],1,mean) } \keyword{htest} \keyword{internal}