% File motifRG/man/plotMotif.Rd \name{motifLatexTable} \alias{motifLatexTable} \alias{motifHtmlTable} \title{create of table of motifs} \description{create a latex table to be embedded in a latex document} \usage{ motifLatexTable(motifs, main="", prefix="motif", dir=".", height=1, width=3,enriched.only=F, plot.pwm= F, summary.cols=c(1,7,8,9),use.mask=T) motifHtmlTable(motifs, dir="html", prefix="motif", enriched.only=F, plot.pwm= F, summary.cols=c(1,7,8,9),use.mask=T) } \arguments{ \item{motifs}{result of findMotif} \item{main}{The title of table} \item{prefix}{The prefix for the filenames of motif logos} \item{dir}{The directory for storing motif logo files} \item{height, width}{size of the sequence logo} \item{enriched.only}{If true, list only enriched motifs} \item{plot.pwm}{If true, plot PWM logo instead of di-nucleotide logo} \item{summary.cols}{The selected columns of summary table created by summaryMotif included in the table} \item{use.mask}{If true, use masked motif match summary statistics} } \value{ motifLatexTable outputs a latex table to the stdout console. motifHtmlTable outputs a html file named as .html in "dir" directory. } \seealso{ \code{\link{findMotif}} } \examples{ data(ctcf.motifs) ### Create table of motifs in Latex motifLatexTable(ctcf.motifs, main="CTCF motifs", dir="motif") ### Create table of motifs in Html motifHtmlTable(ctcf.motifs, dir="Html") }