\name{methylumiR} \alias{methylumiR} \title{ Load data from Illumina methylation platform} \description{ This function is useful for loading Illumina methylation data into a MethyLumiSet object. Sample information can be supplied and will then be incorporated into the resulting phenoData slot. } \usage{ methylumiR(filename, qcfile=NULL, sampleDescriptions = NULL, sep = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{A filename of the excel-like file from BeadStudio } \item{qcfile}{A filename of the excel-like file from BeadStudio } \item{sampleDescriptions}{A data.frame that contains at least one column, SampleID (case insensitive). This column MUST match the part of the column headers before the \code{.Avg_Beta}, etc. Also, if a column called SampleLabel (case insensitive), it is used for sample labels, IF the sampleLabel column contains unique identifiers} \item{sep}{seperator used in the BeadStudio (or GenomeStudio) output file. If it is NULL, the function will automatically estimate it.} \item{...}{Passed into \code{read.delim()}} } \details{ Used to construct a MethyLumiSet object.... } \value{ A MethyLumiSet object } \author{Sean Davis } \seealso{ \code{\link{MethyLumiSet-class}}, \code{\link{MethyLumiQC-class}}} \examples{ ## Read in sample information samps <- read.table(system.file("extdata/samples.txt", package = "methylumi"),sep="\t",header=TRUE) ## Perform the actual data reading ## This is an example of reading data from an ## Sentrix Array format file (actually two files, ## one for data and one for QC probes) mldat <- methylumiR(system.file('extdata/exampledata.samples.txt',package='methylumi'), qcfile=system.file('extdata/exampledata.controls.txt',package="methylumi"), sampleDescriptions=samps) mldat } \keyword{ IO }