\name{methylumIDAT} \alias{methylumIDAT} \title{ methylumIDAT } \description{ Read a directory of methylumi idat files and return a \code{MethylumiSet}. } \usage{ methylumIDAT(barcodes = NULL, pdat = NULL, parallel = F, n = F, n.sd = F, oob = T, idatPath=getwd(), ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{barcodes}{ A vector of barcodes to read. Either this argument or \code{pdat} must be specified. } \item{pdat}{ A data.frame describing the samples. A special column named "barcodes" can be used to specify the barcodes to be read. } \item{parallel}{ If TRUE, an attempt will be made to process using multiple cores on a multicore machine. } \item{n}{ %% ~~Describe \code{n} here~~ } \item{n.sd}{ %% ~~Describe \code{n.sd} here~~ } \item{oob}{ %% ~~Describe \code{oob} here~~ } \item{idatPath}{ The path to the directory containing the idat files. } \item{\dots}{ %% ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ } } \details{ Read a set of .idat files and return a \code{MethylumiSet} object. } \value{ A \code{MethylumiSet} object. } \author{ Tim Triche, Jr. } \seealso{ %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } \examples{ \dontrun{ if(require('IlluminaHumanMethylation450k.db')) { barcodes <- c('6005486014_R04C02', '6005486023_R05C01') lumi450k <- methylumIDAT(barcodes,idatPath=system.file('extdata/idat',package='methylumi')) # no normalization done sampleNames(lumi450k) <- c('TCGA1','TCGA2') show(lumi450k) } } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ IO }