\name{extractBarcodeAndPosition} \alias{extractBarcodeAndPosition} \title{Extract the Barcode and Position Information from Sentrix ID} \description{ The sentrix IDs from an illumina sentrix array contain positional information that might be useful. This function simply extracts that information from the ID itself. } \usage{ extractBarcodeAndPosition(sentrixids) } \arguments{ \item{sentrixids}{A character vector of sentrix IDs that look like: 1632405013\_R001\_C001 } } \value{ A data.frame with three columns: \item{sentrix}{numeric, the sentrix ID} \item{row}{numeric, the sentrix row} \item{column}{numeric, the sentrix column} } \author{Sean Davis } \seealso{\code{methylumiR}} \examples{ extractBarcodeAndPosition(c('12341234_R001_C001')) } \keyword{ manip }