\name{summarizeReplicates} \alias{summarizeReplicates} \title{ Summarise microarray objects } \description{ Function to summarise measures of a \code{\link{maiges}} class object, both by samples and genes. } \usage{ summarizeReplicates(object=NULL, gLabelID="GeneName", sLabelID="Sample", funcS="mean", funcG="mean", rmBad=TRUE, keepEmpty=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{object of class \code{\link{maiges}}.} \item{gLabelID}{character string giving the gene label ID to be used to summarise the data by rows.} \item{sLabelID}{character string giving the sample label ID to be used to summarise the data by columns.} \item{funcS}{character string specifying the function to be applied for sample replicates. Defaults to 'mean'. If NULL, no resume is done for samples.} \item{funcG}{character string specifying the function to be applied for genes (spots) replicates. Defaults to 'mean'. If NULL, no resume is done for genes..} \item{rmBad}{logical indicating if you want to remove or not bad spots, given by the slot \code{BadSpots} in argument \code{object}.} \item{keepEmpty}{logical indicating if you want to maintain spots with empty information.} } \details{ This function takes the object of class \code{\link{maiges}} and resume the data by spots (rows) and samples (columns). } \value{ This function returns another object of class \code{\link{maiges}} with replicates summarised to only one observation. } \examples{ ## Loading the dataset data(gastro) ## Summarising the data (maigesNorm class), replicated samples will be ## summarised by mean and genes by median gastro.summ = summarizeReplicates(gastro.norm, gLabelID="GeneName", sLabelID="Sample", funcS="mean", funcG="median", keepEmpty=FALSE, rmBad=FALSE) ## To summarise genes by mean and keep the blank spots use gastro.summ = summarizeReplicates(gastro.norm, gLabelID="GeneName", sLabelID="Sample", funcS="mean", funcG="mean", keepEmpty=TRUE, rmBad=FALSE) } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves <\email{gesteves@vision.ime.usp.br}> } \keyword{classes}