\name{selSpots} \alias{selSpots} \title{ Select spots to use in normalisation } \description{ Function to select spots to be used in microarray normalisation. } \usage{ selSpots(obj=NULL, sigNoise=1, rmFlag=NULL, gLabelsID=c("Name"), remove=list(c("BLANK","DAP","LYS","PHE","Q_GENE","THR","TRP")), badSpots=NULL, badLabel=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{object of class \code{\link{maigesRaw}}.} \item{sigNoise}{positive real number indicating the cutoff to remove spots with signal-to-noise ratio below it.} \item{rmFlag}{vector of flag symbols to be removed (for normalisation). These flags are stored in the slot \code{Flags} from \code{\link{maigesRaw}} class.} \item{gLabelsID}{character vector indicating the gene labels to be searched to exclude that ones specified in \code{remove} argument.} \item{remove}{list of same length as \code{GlabelsID} containing character vector indicating the symbols of spots to be removed, according to the \code{GlabelsID} argument.} \item{badSpots}{index of bad spots (numeric or logical) identifying bad spots. May be the gene labels, with label ID specified by the argument \code{badLabel}.} \item{badLabel}{character string specifying the gene label ID for remove \code{badSpots}.} } \details{ This function takes the object of class \code{\link{maigesRaw}} and actualise the slot \code{UseSpots} according with the arguments passed to the function. This slot is read by the normalisation functions \code{\link{normLoc}}, \code{\link{normOLIN}}, \code{\link{normRepLoess}}, \code{\link{normScaleLimma}} and \code{\link{normScaleMarray}} to use only the spots that passed the criteria specified here. } \value{ This function returns another object of class \code{\link{maigesRaw}} with the \code{UseSpots} slot actualised. } \examples{ ## Loading the dataset data(gastro) ## Filtering all spots with signal2noise ratio (Sf/Sb or Rf/Rb) greater ## or equal to 1 and that have 'Name' label as 'BLANK', 'DAP', ..., 'TRP'. gastro.raw2 = selSpots(gastro.raw, sigNoise=1, rmFlag=NULL, gLabelsID="Name", remove=list(c("BLANK","DAP","LYS","PHE","Q_GENE","THR","TRP"))) ## To see the number of spots that suvived the filtering above do apply(gastro.raw2@UseSpots, 2, sum) ## To do the same filtering as above, also filtering flags marcke as 1 ## and 4 do gastro.raw2 = selSpots(gastro.raw, sigNoise=1, rmFlag=c(1,4), gLabelsID="Name", remove=list(c("BLANK","DAP","LYS","PHE","Q_GENE","THR","TRP"))) apply(gastro.raw2@UseSpots, 2, sum) } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves <\email{gesteves@vision.ime.usp.br}> } \keyword{classes}