\name{calcA} \alias{calcA.default} \alias{calcA.maigesRaw} \alias{calcA} \title{ Method calcA to calculate A values } \description{ Generic function \code{\link{calcA}} to calculate A values from classes of microarray data objects defined in this package. } \usage{ calcA(object, \dots) \method{calcA}{default}(object, \dots) \method{calcA}{maigesRaw}(object, bkgSub="subtract", \dots) } \arguments{ \item{object}{object of any class. But only some methods are defined in this moment.} \item{bkgSub}{character string indicating the type of background subtraction. May be 'none', 'subtract', 'half', 'minimum', 'movingmin', 'edwards', 'normexp' or 'rma'. Uses limma and defaults to 'subtract'.} \item{\dots}{additional parameters for \code{\link{calcA}} method.} } \details{ This method receive an object (at moment of class \code{\link{maiges}}, \code{\link{maigesRaw}} or \code{\link{maigesANOVA}}) and returns the matrix of A values. For objects of class \code{\link{maigesRaw}} it uses the function \code{\link[limma]{backgroundcorrect}} from \emph{limma} package to do background correction before the calculation of A values. } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves } \examples{ ## Loading the dataset data(gastro) calcA(gastro.raw) calcA(gastro.norm) } \seealso{ \code{\link[limma]{backgroundcorrect}} in the limma package and \code{\link{calcW}}. } \keyword{array}