\name{boxplot} \alias{boxplot.maigesRaw} \alias{boxplot.maiges} \alias{boxplot.maigesANOVA} \alias{boxplot.maigesDEcluster} \alias{boxplot} \title{ Method boxplot for objects defined in this package } \description{ Generic function \code{\link[graphics]{boxplot}} to display boxplots of the data. } \usage{ \method{boxplot}{maigesRaw}(x, \dots) \method{boxplot}{maiges}(x, name=NULL, gLabelID=NULL, sLabelID=NULL, gSamples=NULL, \dots) \method{boxplot}{maigesANOVA}(x, name=NULL, gLabelID=NULL, sLabelID=NULL, gSamples=NULL, \dots) \method{boxplot}{maigesDEcluster}(x, name=NULL, gLabelID=NULL, sLabelID=NULL, gSamples=NULL, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of any class defined in this package} \item{name}{character string specifying a gene to do boxplot of their expression values along the types specified by \code{sLabelID}.} \item{gLabelID}{character value giving the name of gene label to be used to search for parameter \code{name}.} \item{sLabelID}{idem to \code{gLabelID}, specifying the name of sample label to be used to separate the gene observations.} \item{gSamples}{a named list containing character vectors defining groups of samples from \code{sLabelID}.} \item{\dots}{additional parameters to \code{\link[graphics]{boxplot}} method defined in \emph{graphics} package or to \code{\link[marray]{maBoxplot}} method defined in \emph{marray} package (for \code{maigesRaw}, \code{maiges} or \code{maigesANOVA} classes), in this case the additional parameters must not be named, because these names conflict with the \code{boxplot} generic function definition.} } \details{ This method uses the function \code{\link[marray]{maBoxplot}} from marray package to show boxplots of the W values along all the slides of a dataset or along specific accessor methods to stratify the data in objects of class \code{\link{maigesRaw}}. For objects of classes \code{\link{maiges}} or \code{\link{maigesANOVA}} this is also done if the argument \code{name} is NULL, else the method shows boxplots for the expression values of the gene specified by \code{name} stratified by sample types from \code{sLabelID}. For objects of class \code{\link{maigesDEcluster}} only boxplots of genes are produced and the argument \code{name} may not be NULL. If you especify the \code{y} parameter (but not named), defined for the method \code{\link[marray]{maBoxplot}} in package \emph{marray}, it will be displayed the M values instead of W. } \examples{ ## Loading the dataset data(gastro) ## To see the boxplots for W values in all chips boxplot(gastro.raw) ## maigesRaw class boxplot(gastro.norm) ## maigesNorm class boxplot(gastro.summ) ## summarized data (also maigesNorm class) ## To see the boxplots for W values in individual chips ## separating into print tips. boxplot(gastro.raw[,1]) ## maigesRaw class, first chip boxplot(gastro.norm[,8]) ## maigesNorm class, 8th chip boxplot(gastro.summ[,19]) ## summarized data (also maigesNorm class), 19th chip ## Boxplot for individual genes into ANOVA model fitting gastro.ANOVA = designANOVA(gastro.summ, factors="Tissue") gastro.ANOVAfit = deGenesANOVA(gastro.ANOVA, retF=TRUE) boxplot(gastro.ANOVAfit, name="KLK13", gLabelID="GeneName", sLabelID="Tissue") } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves } \seealso{ \code{\link[marray]{maBoxplot}} in the \emph{marray} package and \code{\link[graphics]{boxplot}} in the \emph{graphics} package. } \keyword{array}